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Supporting the Museum

➤ Why become a member?

The Museum of the Kansas National Guard exists due to the generosity of people just like you who believe in the preservation of our military history. We invite you to become a sustaining member of the Museum today. Membership benefits include:

  • Museum Newsletters and Updates
  • Names published in the newsletter and posted in the museum
  • Satisfaction of giving back to the National Guard

Donation Options – all donations above $25 receive a museum coin.

  • Annual sustaining membership: $25 per calendar year
  • Perpetual sustaining membership: $1200 one-time donation or $120/year for 10 years.
  • Major Donor Club: $100 donations and up.

We are a 501c(3) non-profit and provide an annual statement of your donations for inclusion with your tax filing.

Choose membership or donation:

➤ I don’t want to fill out a form

We cannot guarantee you will receive an annual donation statement for your taxes if you don’t fill out the form, but if you insist:

➤ I would like to submit by mail

Please download this form and send it to the Museum: Museum Donor Form 2018