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Supporting the Museum Archive

The Kansas National Guard exists due to the generosity of people just like you who believe in the preservation of our military history. We invite you today to become a sustaining member of the Kansas National Guard Museum. Membership benefits include:

  • Museum Newsletters and Updates

  • Names published in the newsletter and posted in the museum

  • Satisfaction of giving back to the National Guard

Donation Options – all donations receive a museum coin.

  • Annual sustaining membership: $25 per calendar year

  • Perpetual sustaining membership: $1200 one-time donation or $120/year for 10 years.

  • Major Donor Club: $100 donations and up.

All Annual Members, Major Donors, & Perpetual Sustaining Members receive a free museum coin.

Important information: Certain donations (i.e. bricks) require additional information after completing the donation with PayPal. Do not navigate away until you are returned to the museum website and verify this additional information. You will receive a final confirmation message when you are free to navigate away from this page.

Membership Form

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If you wish to submit by mail, please download the form below and send it in to the Museum.

Museum Donor Form 2018